Do we need another lockdown?

Dear readers I hope that you are all as ok as you can be and are keeping safe. Keeping safe is a struggle for so many of us at the moment and Covid 19 isn’t going anywhere any time soon.

As you all know I caught Covid 19 back in March and I’m still not fully recovered. Yes I’m one of the thousands of long covid sufferers that struggle to get by from day to day because we aren’t well enough to do much.

Here’s an example. My daughter had to return to school and she brought home a new lodger to our house. This lodger was another virus that completely flattened me. I felt dreadful, had to spend the week in bed. I’m now struggling to get my sats above 96.

So on top of the long covid, my already weakened immune system was attacked by another unwelcome visitor. Normally my immune system would have got rid of it and I certainly wouldn’t have been as ill as I was.

This is what many people don’t understand. I’ve found that so many people still think that you get better after a week or so and thats it. It’s gone only its not.

The minority of people get away with no side effects whatsoever whilst so many peoples suffering lasts for much longer.

I’m not saying that everyone gets as ill as I have been or worse, but so many people do. It’s completely devastating both personally and as a community. If only Johnson had taken the actions to protect us instead of secretly continuing with his herd immunity plans.

I’m now living in a tier three area, which to be honest wont do much to prevent the spread of this awful virus. Children still have to go to school, and others still have to attend colleges and universities.

I truly believe that schools need to close for a while, have a complete deep clean and work out how to educate our children in other ways, albeit be collecting homework from school because not everyone has access to the internet at home and online work for those that do have access.

I realise that schools aren’t just about learning, they’re about connecting with friends and having that bit of independence away from home but it just isn’t working.

Every week children at my daughters school are testing positive for covid 19 and their bubble are being sent home from school. What these bubbles don’t take into account are siblings in different classes that can still spread the virus around the school and neighbours or family members of the positive person still attending school therefore resulting in more contamination.

Basically it’s impossible to control in situations like these. We are in unprecedented times, the schools are doing their best but the government isn’t.

I’m fully in support of an at least two week lockdown. Some people are hell bent on ignoring the rules because they either believe that this virus is fake news, or that they’re immune to it because they haven’t caught it yet.

This morning I was reading the covid related comments on local newspaper Facebook posts. The reality of this situation is out there in black and white for everyone to see.

So many people just don’t believe that it exists and the hatred towards covid sufferers like myself is unprecedented. No one appears to be monitoring these comments ether so they continue to spread their vile opinions out there.

Meanwhile the government are now starting to talk about another lockdown. Instead of just talking about it they need to do it, but they need to adequately support struggling families, small businesses and self employed and employed people.

Adequate support wasn’t given last time and it needs to be so much better than their ‘efforts’ during the last lockdown.

I’m not blaming the schools though, I’m blaming the government. They were warned about this virus, how dangerous it is and given advice on how to deal with it, and how to look after the public.

Johnson didn’t and doesn’t care though. He gave crucial contracts for PPE etc to his friends and they’ve become richer as a result at the cost of other peoples suffering.

This needs to be stopped, he needs to be stopped. He just doesn’t care if we live or die.

Johnson and many in his government come from such privileged backgrounds that they genuinely believe that working class people are feckless, time wasters, and not worthy of anything. They genuinely believe that we all waste our money on alcohol, cigarettes and drugs. They also believe that we shouldn’t have any decent quality of life and we deserve every bit of misfortune thats thrown at us.

Their attitude is very Victorian but Victorian with steroids. They believe in the deserving and undeserving poor, and I’m positive that they’d send us all to do some hard labour etc as punishment.

God help you if you’re disabled then they believe that you’re not entitled to anything including life.

Disabled people have been hit harder than any other group of people by the benefit reforms etc etc. Now the government wants to take away any freedom that they have.

The pandemic is extremely hard for them and they’ve been virtually ignored by so many. It shouldn’t be like this but it is for thousands of people.

How am I coping? To be honest its bloody hard. I cant get out much because I’m not well enough yet and I’m awaiting my hospital appointments in November that are now being conducted on the telephone. At least I wont have to find the transport money for them.

Even though I’m struggling I am so grateful for my friends and readers. You all know who you are and I care about you all so much.

I’m scared of having to go to the hospital again, not only because I find it hard to accept my health decline but financially its a problem. But I totally understand that this isn’t the worst problem to have.

Please can I ask everyone to share my blog posts? The truth really needs to get out there.

For anyone that would like to donate there’s a donate button at the top and side of this blog. Every penny helps me to continue with my work, to help others and to try and put things right.

I’m trying my best to get better and to get back to normal. I’m still helping people from my home and are also helping people online and on the telephone also.

Thank you so much to everyone that supports my campaign and blog. It really does mean the world to me. I just wish that I could do more.

9 thoughts on “Do we need another lockdown?”

  1. It’s such a difficult situation, one that we’ve never been faced with before. No one wants a full lockdown because of the disruption it causes to peoples’ lives, jobs, the economy, but Covid causes not just disruption but devastating effects, even death in some cases. We might need to have another full lockdown if that’s what it takes to get on top of this awful virus, or at least halt it’s spread, reduce infection. The authorities need to clamp down on the idiots protesting against safety measures and saying it’s a hoax or whatever. It’s irresponsible to encourage others to disobey the rules that are there to protect lives. At the same time though, these half-measures, ‘tiers’, don’t seem to be working, so it looks like a full lockdown may be necessary. Many are going to struggle for money and food though. We’re taking more and more referrals at the foodbank every day as demand continues to increase. God knows how long this terrible situation is going to continue or how it will ever end. I hope you will recover eventually, hang on in there Charlotte.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I totally agree with everything that you say. It’s an extremely difficult decision to have to make. I’ve been helping people on my estate and online etc. I’ve never seen so many hungry people come to me for help. The government is predictabily letting everyone down financially and physically. I hope that one day they will pay for this injustice


  2. I had someone on social media say that he didn’t see why he should curtail his life so I could stay alive. I’m fast coming to the conclusion that I’m going to have to be a hermit for the next two or three years, because there are too many selfish half brains out there who have no respect for my desire to luve.

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