Official DWP Report Reveals Zero Percent Fraud Rate

The Department of WORK AND `PENSIONS (DWP) has determined that the level of fraud linked to PIP is minuscule, recorded at an unprecedented 0% in the 2024 fraud and error in the benefits system report.

The findings of the 2024 report indicated that the fraud rate across various benefits for the year concluding in April 2024 were as follows:

Universal credit (UC) 10.9%
Pension credit (PC) 3.9%
Housing benefit (HB) 3.9%
Personal independence payment (PIP) 0%
The report additionally examined instances of overpayments not caused by fraud.

In the case of PIP, most overpayments seemed from claimant errors, particularly when claimants neglected to report an improvement in their functional requirements.
Nevertheless, this has shown a decrease over the previous year, declining from 0.9% in 2023 to a minimal 0.3% in 2024.

The proportion of PIP overpayments attributable to administrative mistakes by the DWP stood at a minimal of 0.1%.

Overall the overpayment rate for PIP, encompassing all factors including fraud, stood at merely 0.4%.

For UC (Universal Credit) it stood at 12.9% which is 32 times higher than for PIP.

For PC (Pension Credit) it was reported at 9.7%

And for HB (Housing Benefit) it stood at 6.3%.

Despite being the benefit least susceptible to fraud and to error by a significant margin, the right-wing press will still persist in claiming that there’s an epidemic of false PIP claims.

Photo by Anete Lusina on

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