New targets for DWP compliance interviews.

Sometimes I’m taken by surprise. Mostly I’m not. But this is a new tactic. A new target driven tactic employed by the DWP. 

For anyone claiming JSA, ESA Income Support or universal credit you might be familiar with a local service compliance interview. They send these letters out usually on a random basis or sometimes on the say so of a suspected fraud taking place. Now these interviews are compulsory and if you don’t attend then your money will get stopped. 

Whilst attending one of these interviews you are normally treated like a criminal, guilty before being proven innocent, most likely innocent of any wrongdoing as you have been randomly picked in the first place. You are taken to a room which looks just like a police interview room. They record everything like the police do, only in this case you are most likely innocent. You are asked to bring with you all documentation and proof to say you are who you are. This is what happened to a local lady who will remain anonomous to prevent any harrasment from the DWP. Here is what happened.

 After being admitted to hospital for an operation, she returned home to a “compliance interview” letter.Now the only “crime” that this lady committed was to become ill. She is claiming ESA and was previously claiming JSA. There has been no other change in her circumstances, but she is regarded as a criminal and will be treated as such. 

The lady concerned phone up the DWP on the number provided.To ask why she has been asked for an interview (interrogation ) and to inform them that as a disabled person and therefore classed as vulnerable she will be bringing an advocate with her. Here is a summary of the conversation. 

It took her a while but she eventually got through to a real person. This chap sounded quite nice apparently but wasn’t expecting any questions. People normally just comply, they don’t question the DWPs decisions he said. He sounded compassionate for a DWP worker, that he was under great pressure to perform these interviews. He didn’t say he was under pressure but I am presuming that he is because he has been told that he’s got to claw £1000 back from innocent people, people that have been claiming the correct amount of money and have committed no benefit fraud. So she is just a person on the list of targets for this clawback. He said that the DWP had supposed to have sent her a previous letter, which surprise surprise they didn’t. He didn’t argue the case for the DWP as he believed that she was knowledgeable and it was pointless doing so. She asked him why he had given her all this information… He said that he did because she had asked lots of questions and his tone wasn’t of a person happy in his job. She also informed him that she will be taking a witness into the interview and that she wants proof of all said letters from the DWP to herself that hadn’t arrived. After all it’s a well known fact that these letters don’t get sent out in the first place and the onus is on them to prove that they sent them and not on her for not receiving them. 

There are several issues that need to be spoken about here. The first is that these compliance letters are now being used as a form of target for the DWP. Never before have I heard of this. We all have heard about sanction targets, but compliance targets? Wow. That’s an all time low.

The second is the fact that you are proven guilty before you are even seen and are even interviewed in police like surroundings. This is shocking because even in a court of law you are supposed to be innocent before being proven guilty. The DWP doesn’t see it this way. And now they have a £1000 target to aim for innocent victims are going to be fraudulently accused of committing benefit fraud and will be asked to repay money that they do not owe, and have never owed. After all the DWP will want to reach that £1000 target so the most vulnerable will be targeted for this. 

The third is that the DWP are openly committing fraud. It’s much the same as demanding money with menaces. A very vulnerable person sitting in a compliance interview hosted by usually two very hostile DWP workers will agree to anything just to get out of the building. Their money will stop and they could well loose their home. 

The fourth and the last for now because I’m sure that I could think of more is that the decent members of staff working for the DWP are being put at risk by being forced to comply to enforcing these actions. The man concerned knew it was wrong but because he most likely he knows how bad it is to be unemployed, he has had to choose to enforce it. This is very wrong. Not all DWP workers are bad but the good ones tend to be the exception to the rule these days. They end up leaving or becoming ill because they cannot stand the stress and the wrongdoings anymore. 

Please share this blog. Let the DWP know that we are aware of their latest trick. If you receive one of their compliance letters always question it and demand a witness to any interview. That is your right so use it. We cannot allow them to get away with this fraud. Making the poorest pay for the banking crisis which was created by the richest is never acceptable. 

As my comrade States “With every twist of the screw that takes place it becomes more urgent that the jobcentre workers stand shoulder to shoulder with the claimants. Each generation has to relearn what solidarity means – that what the power of capitalist ideology does to us!”

Quick note. ESA is employment and support allowance. JSA is Jobseeker’s Allowance. Universal credit is what it says on the tin. 

It would be wonderful if anyone could donate to keep this blog going. I’m on a very low income and I need to continue this blog. My Paypal add is thank you! 

Please note none of this is hearsay it is based on good evidence from genuine people. 

For anyone who thinks this isn’t a true account of events, it was. I was accompanying this person and I have mentioned that it is a compliance letter. I have also attended many of these meetings with claimants. Some go ok, some don’t. It’s pot luck with who you see at the interview. I will not edit it because it a truthful set of accounts. Thank you. 

368 thoughts on “New targets for DWP compliance interviews.”

  1. The DWP have called me in as above too. I have 2 Bank Accounts but less than 6000. I have managed a holiday since transiting benefits. I did sign off and told council and dwp. Bank let slip that dwp are investigating my finances. I have also spotted two people following me over 4 days. I suppose they are fraud officers.. Don’t know what I have done wrong though. Will find out in the morning


      1. Hi. I found out that two people living in the tenement I live in ”Somewhere in Suffolk”. Reported me for supposedly living above my means. No further action is being taken. They did how ever have my last 2 years bank statements in front of them and did a match with the last 6 months that I took in. As for the following of me, it turns out they think I am having an affair with a non live in partner. I actually spoke to one of them when I saw them and told them where I was going and asked for as lift. Cover Blown and very red faced they scarped. Let the Dwp try and get that one over on me. I am afraid my email account has been lost due to a virus. I can still reply through these pages though.


  2. I have a compliance interview in the morning. 23 October. I phoned the number on the letter ending with EFS on the reverse. I have been told it is to with my capital. I have transited from ESA To Jsa. I also received some backdated benefit last year due do pip that has now been withdrawn. I always report changes so why do they harness me. This is my 6th compliance interview in 20 years


  3. Hello guys,

    Just had other letter from the ESA, now saying I’ve been over paid, what do I do now, but also they have said they have stoped my money, what next should I do, feeling sick over this, how do I pay my rent etc, any ideas, thanks


    1. You really need to get some support about this because you need to find out if they are telling the truth and also to appeal against this. First step would be to see if there is any Citizens Advice centres around you or equivalent free advice places. Take all of your paperwork and go and see them asap. As for your rent you need to claim housing benefit on a zero income basis. Take all of your paperwork with you to your local housing department and sort it out with them. Always keep your landlord informed doing this can lower the risk of matters being taken further. You can also ask for a food bank referral at your local citizens advice or equivalent. Keep strong.


  4. in my case they said I had undeclared income but can not provide any proof of this even when I asked when I had my interview on the 27th of july and all they keep saying is intvestigations are ongoing still witch am taking to mean its all based of lies and bullshit and they have nothing as now going on 3 month when I had my interview the tone of the guy was pretty rude in general


  5. I’ve been out of work for just under 2 months as I can’t get to Horsham from eastbourne anymore after just under 6 years of work ,.all see,ed ok until I got one of these letters through my ex’s door now I got until the 31st of august until they phone??do I wait do I fight or do I just ring to see if there’s any paperwork I can bring to sort the situation


  6. I had compliance interview in May over the phone which lost within 5 mins. I am on housing benefits only. Person was nice and polite. He said I have recently changed the job but did not inform my local council about it (which is right, I did not inform due to busy work schedule). He requested to provide payslips and bank statements with in 2 weeks. Which I have provided. In the meantime I have informed my council too and provided relevant docs and they have adjusted my claim. For DWP now its almost two month I have not heard anything from them. Shall I assume the matter is closed or they will contact again??


      1. Thank you Charlotte. Indeed now news is good news 🙂
        Normally how long they take to reply?


  7. 6 months after successful PIP Tribunal, I had Performance Measurement home visit.
    Men send to me by DWP lied so much in his report, that I had to attend another Athos assessment which stopped my PIP. Now awaiting another PIP Tribunal.

    I feel people need to be warned about those people as well!
    He told me “There would be no change in your benefit”
    Then he asked me to sign few pages – so I did

    Few month later I receive letter about Athos appointment. The DWP insist I have declared a CHANGE!!!
    Athos assessors ignores all medical evidence and my statements, copies lies form the form of Performance Measurement home visit and my PIP is stopped!

    Now while waiting for the Tribunal – I have found out Performance Measurement assessor, have made me to sign a document – few pages long – of which I have seen only one page where my signature was – on other pages he makes like I’m asking for my benefit to be stooped as I’m reporting a CHANGE and improvement!!!! Which is totally rubbish and lie!

    So much for trusting DWP workers….


  8. Got I have just got one of these interviews, don’t know why, I have a telephone interview on Tuesday, don’t know what to do, have been honest with them from the day I stated to get ESA, they also know that I go to collage part time, may be this why they are interviewing me, I also have bipolar, it’s too late to ask for a friend to witness the interview , but also very forgetful what I say to people, can any one help or advice?

    Thanks j


    1. You can record audio on your mobile device if you have one. Take a pad and pen and ask for their name, job title and ask why you are having to attend this interview. Take your paperwork with you and don’t let them dissuade you from claiming your ESA. Good luck


      1. Hi Charlotte,

        Just had my letter from the DWP, the letter says I now been over paid, but being on benefits have no money, when I had the phone interview they said the case was closed, all I had to send in was receipts from the work I did, yes am guessing it was wrong of me not to inform the DWP, I teached a workshop making craft workshop classes and I had to order stock for this class, all I was doing is trying to get off my feet and do something with my life and now feel what’s the point, having disability with bipolar it stops me meeting people most of the time, I was trying to get on my feet and feel normal, now have to pay this money back which is over £700.00, what can I do, having no money do I go and get my self in debt or worse go to a lone shark!! Can I appeal for there decision, am already losing £100.00 per month on rent? Do I become homeless and stop paying the rent, can you help??


  9. Cant believe they get away with this.get your MP involved Trade Union.costs £2.00 a week they will fight on your side.don’t let them walk all over you video them with your mobile.and seek legal advice 15 mins free.


    1. They do it because they can. Often there isn’t a lot that mps can do because it’s legislation. But mps do help and should always be contacted. People can join unite community union at a cost of 50p per week. Filming via video isn’t allowed but audio recording is and if you want to use it in an appeal then you have to inform them. A way round this is to audio record and then write the full transcript when you get home as written evidence is admissible in appeals etc. Citizens advice and welfare rights are also fab at helping people.


  10. Thanks to DWP I have lost all my DLA now PIP and severe disability premium leaving me with any health care assistance or the finances to pay for it, these new guidelines fail to look at prognosis instead of diagnosis and is leaving thousands like myself in dia problems, even an idiot can see I am disabled and my conditions are only going to get worse and losing my appeal 3 times am in the hands of the upper tribunal and I dont trust them enough after the judge that’s blocked me all the way lied, committed slander and perjury I find it hard to trust a corrupt system anymore


  11. First off, a little gripe. So many people get the words LOOSE and LOSE mixed up LOOSE (pronounced LOOSS, means not tight. LOSE (pronounced LOOZ) means to no longer have, you’ve dropped it, it has been taken from you. You can lose your wallet/home etc., but you can’t loose it. If your belt is LOOSE (not tight), you could LOSE it if it falls off. You wrote “Their money will stop and they could well loose their home”. No, that should be LOSE.

    Back on the subject, any letters, forms or other communications you send to the DWP must be sent signed for, and keep the receipt. That way, if they reckon they didn’t receive something, you simply check the number on your receipt on the Post Office website, and if it was delivered and signed for, you have proof that they did receive it. That opens up the possibility of prosecuting them for attempted fraud. Yes, seriously 🙂


  12. I have one on Monday.. I have severe mental health issues (waiting for 2nd referral to a mental health unit) I have an incurable bowel condition (often pass blood) along with heart and liver issues,, i had a complete breakdown in 2015,, I am also on PIP standard care
    The letter spelt my name wrong,, has not given any indication as to why this interview,, did not tell me I can have it recorded and have an appropriate adult present
    I have contacted my MP who has told me they will take action if procedures aren’t followed


  13. my partner has just received a compliance letter from the DWP,stating that she has to attend and interview. i am the one claiming JSA and she claims carers allowance for our daughter.
    Why has she been requested to attend and not me?


  14. my partner has just received a compliance letter from the DWP,stating that she has to attend and interview. i am the one claiming JSA and she claims carers aloloowance for our daughter.
    Why has he been requested to attend and not me?


  15. Hello

    Today I received a local services compliant letter. After reading all you both posts I have become concerned about the true nature of this interview. My circumstances are this as a young boy I was subjected to horrific sexual and physical abuse at the end of a 21 year marriage that completely broke down I tried to commit suicide. Failing in this attempt I decided to seek professional help with my mental health which is now being ongoing for many years. Approximately 4 years ago, a friend started living in my spare room firstly to avoid me being thrown out my home as I could not afford the bedroom tax. overtime she has now become my carer I’ve informed all relevant authorities of her being at my address and in what capacity she is there four. “Should I be concerned on the nature of this interview”?



    I received a Compliance letter also recently and attended a meeting along with my partner as back up so she heard what was being said,as you recommended but when I went into the office thinking they just need to see details and confirm everything was in order I was then accused by someone online of Fraud?? I am on esa as my knee op went bad and now my back is playing up spasms I take heavy medication suffer from weak lumbar bones crumbling on top of that I have epilepsy!

    Recently my son who is only 8 years old was diagnosed with leukemia 😦 and tbh it has taken it’s toll on my whole family as you can imagine No Family should have to go through Cancer especially when a young child is concerned.The vehicle that I use to transport my kids to school and son on many many hospital runs is collapsing(basically its a banger!) when i can manage it I try to repair parts that are manageable as i can’t afford the garage bills this is only from time to time,someone has accused me of working on cars??? I said to the officer can I see the photos then of cars lined up ready to be fixed and they said No we can’t show you any photos???

    I got really angry with the officer and he said that he could understand my situation and the the person who accused me must have made a huge mistake he then said he was closing down the case and that I need not worry? I think when he realised that my son had leukemia it must have made him realise he should not be treating me or my family in this way!

    May I ask if closing down the case is the end? I am now worried or should I leave it at that? I’m not too sure what to do about it and I know I will be having many sleepless nights worrying could you help me regarding this situation any info would be most helpful.Many Thanks.


    1. Hi, so sorry that you have had to endure this. It’s quite common for them to accuse someone of fraud without any evidence. You did the right thing by having a witness and questioning everything. I’m sure that because they have said that they have shut the case they will do. But it should never have happened in the first place. The absence of photos and evidence says it all doesn’t it.


      1. Thanks for taking the time to reply back really appreciate your advice and time 🙂 I will try not to worry and think about it too much, Kindest Regards.


  17. Hi guys !!! I had a telephone interview today !!! Im a single mum 4 kids 3 with disabillities given up work just over 1half ago recieve income surport as im single !!! Ive worked all my life and never claimed income surport in my life !!! The man (who was vy nice ) asked me who lives in my house hold where my ex partner comes from why ive given up work ” said to me he is a lorry driver and asked for his name “someone said he lives with me full time ” funny that when a full time lorry driver he lives in his wagoon and sees the kids saturday and does all the dads stuff with them so i can have a break ” then back to work sunday ‘today i feel that he cant come round now cus people will be watchin what i do ‘i keep my self to my self and i feel life its none of there bussiness !!! I choose the single life i get on with my x partner but i feel that im guilty for doing nothing wrong !!! The kids love there dad and my other 2 which aint his love him to !!! I own my house with my x partner and i dont claim any housing costs !!! Does any one no is this a random check or has some reported me for something that isnt true !!! Full of worry 😯


  18. Thank you Charlotte. Actually we dont have any changes on circumstances and yes you are right, It might be a coincidence. I have read on the google that DWP can randomly pickup the ppl and send them this letter.


  19. I received a letter on Saturday to say a local service compliance officer will telephone on 20th June 2017. I’m hoping I’ve been chosen at random and not my ex husband trying to cause me grief because the child maintenance are on to him for not paying for his children.x.


    1. Gawd I hope not, but it could well be the case that you have been chosen at random. Take all your paperwork with you and take a friend. Stand firm with them and dont let them mess you around xx


  20. Hi Guys, I am new here. Last week I have received this compliance letter for telephone interview. I work Park time and have 4 kids. I am having bad time wife and have some issues with her. She is asking for separation which I am not willing to because of kids. Had an argument with her on this topic and she called police next morning when I was out for work. Police did not take any action against me but referred her to Domestic Violence Agency (God knows what false statement she has given to police). Next day again in my absence DV Agency lady came to our house, she took her interview, took my details etc. After this I did not get anything else apart from compliance letter. Letter issued date is same date when lady visited our house. I believe my wife has complaint against me. I have nothing to hide. She’s might be putting pressure on me indirectly for separation.
    In interview what shall they ask? Shell I tell them I had an argument with wife etc
    Any thoughts or ideas, please feel free to share.


    1. Hi Steve, you need to attend this interview. She might have rightfully informed them of the change of circumstances. However it might also just be a coincidence. Take all paperwork to your interview and if you can take someone with you. It sounds like you are having a hard time and you certainly dont need this on top of it. Good luck


  21. ive just recieved a letter too. I have a partner who dont live her or have anything here apart from one item his laptop. tuesday past i had a work interview where we discussed be going self employed. since then my partner has let me borrow his spare laptop (hence the only item i have) we discussed and i have the necessary paper work etc to help me with planning etc.i explained that i had been approached by people to recreate my makes for them. So here i was trying to gain the necessary means to do this as iam currently on income support.
    my youngest is also just turnt 3.
    So iam wondering if my work advisor is thinking iam already making and selling? or for the fact mychild has turnt 3?

    My anxiety is gone through the roof.


    1. I totally understand how anxious these things make you. Take bank statements and proof that he doesn’t live with you (I.e. His council tax demand for his own house). These might come in handy.
      I’m sure that when you start up a new business, you are allowed to trade for one month as a ‘test period’ where you don’t have to tell anyone. If you will be doing less than 16 hours per week, you might be able to do this as permitted work. Ask them about that. There was a change in the rules in April and now you can do ‘permitted work’ for as long as you like provided you work less than 16 hours and don’t earn a certain amount. Take any info about your business with you too.
      I have now got my MP involved because I have been pulled in four times in 6 months for these. Take someone you trust with you, even if it is your partner, because when you are so anxious you might not be able to stand your ground as well.
      Good luck!🍀


      1. yeah ive been told iam allowed a test period to make sure i can get the backing i need and will have a good customer base. i feel more like iam being penalised for trying to the right thing.
        i will try and bring someone with me. Iam also going to have to bring my youngest too which iam sure they wont be very happy with but i dont have much choice.

        do you think theres any possibility that it would be in regards to universal credit? ive just spoke to my friend about this letter and she has also received the same letter and shes in the boat in regards to single parent with a 3 year old being her youngest?

        thank you so much for taking the the time to reply


  22. Having attended a “compliance interview” at the tail end of last year, a ‘work coach’ interview in February, I am now being asked to attend yet another compliance interview. At the last one they claimed that they had a report of my daughters father living at my address. I had already informed them of this and they came out for a meeting at my home and decided that they were going to treat us as a couple – even though we weren’t together. I already explained that he had come to stay following me having an operation which meant I couldn’t use my right arm or hand at all. Then I was very unwell and needed further major surgery so we made the decision that he would stay on to help care for his daughter. We didn’t appeal when they said they would treat us as a couple as, being friends since we were very young, we felt more like a family.
    I am currently attending four hospital apts a week and will be for the foreseeable future. I have evidence of all my medical conditions – arthritis, fibromyalgia, PTSD, endometriosis and a skin condition. I have already supplied the DWP all of the letters from the various health professionals who are all consultants in their field yet they continue to harass me.
    The letter they have sent for my next interview (on Thursday 18th May) has the year as ’18 so I am tempted not to go at all! But I will go along and put myself through this all over again. Already having major panic attacks and not sleeping with this looming.
    How can I put an end to this once and for all? They have already taken away the pip I was getting, which meant a drop in my ESA and now only get a tiny amount to help with my £700 a month rent. I am getting further and further into debt to try and maintain the credit that I had taken out when awarded pip. Only did this because the medical interviewer had said that I would most likely be awarded it on the grounds of my arthritis alone – and as its a degenerative illness will only get worse. So I didn’t think they would ever treat me like this.
    Can you please advise who I could possibly take along with me to help me? With my PTSD I am prone to shake and can’t take much in when I’m in that state, let alone stand up for myself! With debts piling up, unpaid rent and council tax, I am seriously only seeing one way out. Got no idea how I’m going to survive when they stop giving me help for my son because he is off to uni this year. Starting to think it really would be better all round if I wasn’t here any more.


    1. You can take anyone into a compliance interview. They may not be able to speak on your behalf but they can definitely take notes xx


  23. I’ve received one of these letters too.
    It’s been worrying me all day! I phoned the number and I asked the man what should I bring he said “Just something to prove who you are” I asked if my bank statement of my savings account and my passport is enough and he said yes as long as it has an address on.
    I’m wondering why I’ve got one of these? I’m single, 23, live with my parents… so no partner or children around. So can anyone tell me why I would have to go for one? Ive not read about someone single with no kids getting one?? I’m really worried.!


  24. I had my telephone local customer compliance interview yesterday, someone (i know exactly who) had reported that my boyfriend was staying in my home every night (not true!).
    She asked me if i knew him which i said yes he is my boyfriend, but we only see each other on a weekend. Asked how long we had been together (7 month roughly) and if we had any plans for the future, which we don’t yet we have far too much going on separately!
    Told her i knew exactly who would have reported me, told her about the person, and she said “oh dear”.
    Anyway she obviously read everything out to me and said she would update the system, then asked if i was okay to ‘sign’ the statement which i agreed to because everything i said was true.
    I asked her what happened about the allegation now and she said “nothing really, we just obviously have to do these checks when we get reports of allegations”
    Thanked me for my time and that was that.
    Am i being stupid in worrying more will come of it or is that usual procedure?
    I suffer from depression and anxiety as it is and all this is tipping me over the edge
    Any help at all will be appreciated.


  25. I work and don’t claim any of them benefits? I received a letter. Any ideas why? I get working and child tax credits and some housing benefit.


    1. I work to and only get a small amount of working tax credit had to ring them to make the telephone interview for after I finish work


  26. just got letter today i know who stirring trouble my mum died feb 19 my 2 sisters had nothing to do with mum for 20yrs as soon as mum died sisters asking where mums money gone i must ave had it what a joke i have cancer had lung removed one kidney taken a tumour removed and one frozen and still dealing with the big C also have crohn’s but they still think its okay to be evil bitches and report me for having thousands in the bank as i’ve done nothing wrong i’m not worried what goes around comes around at moment i got £2.50 in bank


  27. I have a telephone compliance interview on the 19th after reading all these horror stories I’m mortified.. I had an office interview last year and was accused if my ex living with me.. he owns is own house and lives there.. is this what’s happening again!!!!


  28. I had a telephone interview….had to supply them with 3 months of bank statements. I had no objection to that as I’ve nothing to hide, in fact I told the lady, “good luck with trying to sort that out because I can’t”, I am constantly having direct debits returned. She asked me about my property maintenance work that I used to do, I said I’ve not done any of that for years because of my illnesses. I have cyclothymia, bad back, neck and osteo arthritis in my knees. Not sure how they would expect me to work with that lot!


  29. Hi I had a Local Compkiance Telephone Interview today. Started by confirming my identity security etc then asked if I understood benefit regulations as to claiming benefit and advising any changes. Said had received a report? Then went on to ask about my money in the bank and information they had received? This ‘information’ was the bank statements I submitted when I first made my claim. Discussed the statements and different accounts asked if I could post them direct to the officer (he would send envelope) then my claim would be adjusted to reduce my reduction in savings. Felt a little stressed as I had received this letter two weeks prior and had the time to think all sorts. Told the truth about my curucumstances and now wait for the envelope. Do have to say at the beginning of the call reminded me about living with someone etc and the need to report this. As I am not living with anyone and have no intention to do so I just listened and said ok.


  30. Hi guys I’ve got a compliance meeting on Tuesday I’m worried because i have bad depression and my x partner comes round after work to see me and i think there going to try and get me done for fraud he does stay sometimes but don’t live with me he’s helped me slot I’m very scared coz i don’t know what to expect


      1. No he’s not but he always worries straight after his work he’s there in case I do somethink I haven’t been able to sleep properly since I had this letter I don’t have friends coz I’m in a new area


  31. I have just had a ‘compliance interview’ which when I arrived I was told an allegation had been made that my ex partner had still been living with me .. 20 months down the line from him moving out, we have 2 children together and he provides maintenance and comes to my house to see them for a few hours a couple of times a week, we’re on good terms and because of this apparently ‘he can’t be a dad’ which is ridiculous because not every single parent has a bad relationship with their ex. He’s not once slept at my house or been here longer than he should. I was basically made to chose whether my children have a father or be pushed into a relationship.. it’s completely ridiculous! He also threatened that he can watch my ex and where his car does and I just told him to go ahead, although I don’t know where I stand with what’s going to happen with my claim and everything else.


    1. It’s very wrong that they do this but unfortunately it’s extremely common. I think their rules are that you aren’t even allowed to cook for an ex partner. This type of surveillance is completely wrong and orwelian. It’s awful and I’m so sorry that you had to go through this.


  32. Diane, they lied to me that it was ‘just a review ‘. It wasn’t . It was due to a malicious call, falsely accusing me of fraud! Contact your MP if dwp keep dragging you in. It nearly drove me over the edge last time! Second time someone has made vexatious call. Awful to experience this!


    1. Yes they like to do this. I took a lady in that had received a letter saying review. When we got there on the top of their notes were the words benefit fraud.
      I stated that her letter had contained nothing about fraud, and i knew that this lady had not committed any fraud at all. I then went on to say that the interview was being recorded to use officially later.
      Their whole demeanour changed and they started stuttering. I said that they would not be getting their targets today and if they took this any further then this would be being taken higher, to the press and a union representative.
      No further action was taken and they haven’t received a letter since.
      Its al about intimidation and targets. Always take someone with you and record and write everything down to enable any further action. Your voice has to be louder than theirs.
      Good luck. All might be ok, but be wary and take my advice xx


  33. Hi charlotte, i havent had a meeting yet its not til the 22nd march, the last time i got pulled in was about 2014 i think for the fraud, i cant stop thinking about it and terrified that my fiance will go mental esp if they have lied to me that its about how much or little im gtn on eas, i got told in a letter wen i was awarded eas that they would contact me in aug 17 to see if any of my conditions have changed. And then i get this letter to go down in 2wks, my fiance is taking half day holiday from work to go with me as he knows i get in a right state, so scared


  34. I just came home today to a letter to attend a local service compliance meeting, i called them to ask why i had to attend and she said to see if i was gtn the right benefits or too much or too little on my eas, i explained that i am disabled and also have bipolar, and why cant they just ask me over the phone. I am petrified now. I went bk to work in 2015 and notified the eas by fone and lucky i had my hubby, daughter and her husband there as witnessess to the fone call, but had to take early retirement a yr later due to pain and my bipolar. ME, fibromyalgia, diabeties, i then recieved a letter from hmrc to say i paid too little tax and owed them £945 which im paying bk montly. As thats my duty to do so. But my worry is that yrs ago i started work and notified dwp and was told to write a letter notifying them of starting work etc and took a photo copy off, i was then pulled in and done with fraud even tho i had documentation inc copy of letter sent to them of new changes, but this didnt matter to them, they didnt recieve the letter according to them, so i was treated like criminal. Im so worryied that this cld be the case again as i have never been called down since being on eas and lately pip, was the lady just lying that it was about wether im gtn the right amount of benefit wether it be too little or too much, i cant stop crying as dont want to go or go through all this again


    1. Hi Diane. So sorry that you have had to go through this. You shouldn’t have had to. They are doing this to everyone at the moment it seems. I really don’t think that it is about anything else so please don’t worry. They would have said at the interview if there was another issue. Keep strong xxxxxx


    2. Hi I have the same letter as you I was also taken to court in 2016 after a 2 year case as people can imagine I was a nervous wreck I now have this letter with a phone interview in the 28th of march I have severe depression and it’s tipping me over the edge yet again I hope all goes well for you..


  35. I have to go to a compliance interview can someone tell me if i am allowed to bring domeone to the interview with me and sny rights that i have .this is really stressing me would be gtsteful for sny help thanks


    1. Try not to worry, easy for me to say though. Take all your documentation with you and stand firm with them. They’ve been trying this with a lot of people, then when they see that they cant mess the person around they change tactic and tell the claimant that they want to do a benefit check! You are allowed to take someone with you also, so if you can do that. They dont like it at all. Good luck xx


  36. I had compliance interview today (Feb 2017) the DWP sent me a letter, stating I should be available between 10am and 12pm for a telephone interview. The letter stressed that I should notify them of any changes in my circumstances and I could do this before the telephone interview took place. This led me to believe that I may be guilty of not telling them of any changes to my circumstances although I was confident I was innocent before I took the phone call. I confirmed my details and was told that I was in receipt of Contributions-based ESA and I was in receipt of housing benefit, according to their records. I had to explain that I wasn’t getting housing benefit and hasn’t been for some time so she told me on the phone that she was going to change it from a Y to an N. She then said “that this is probably the shortest interview you’ll ever have” and wished me a good day. The interview finished after only about 5 minutes. So I hope this helps others if they also get a similar letter.


  37. i have also just received one of these letters! funny part is so did my husband a few weeks ago he went to the appointment she lady was off sick! we don’t receive any of the benefits above so no idea why we have been called in…. The only benefit i receive is housing! I’m at a loss and really don’t understand


  38. I received a Notification of Local Servise Compliance Telephone interview letter 2 weeks ago and today they called my with unknown phone number.
    I’m only on DLA because of my serious spine problems which I had from childhood and getting wors.
    So they asked me very simple questions without asking me for any paperwork or any other prove of my identity. Although one question I found very strange which asked me for a spesific name on my household which I live with 7 strangers that we all share as other roomates do.
    Can someone tell me why they focuses on another person in the flat if lives there as well , rather than asking me more questions? Please help me I’m worried . Thanks xx


  39. I have just opened the post after coming back from holiday, and guess what? yes a compliance letter, this was for an interview for the day when I was travelling back, on the 27th Jan, now the letter has stated that my benefit will stop on the 30th Jan, have tried to ring the number but being after working hours and facing the weekend with nothing but anxiety and the runs, I have to see them on Monday the day when I have to have my next MRI scan, worried to death, what can people do!


  40. I am on ESA in the WRAG Group. I do Permitted Work 12 hrs a week. I was deducted Tax on two of my wage slips and was duly repaid back by HMRC through my wages. Now received a letter fto say I am to have a Review of my benefit Claim by the Local Service Compliance team, any thoughts people I cant see I have done anything wrong, my wage slips clearly show 12hrs worked a week….Im not worried I have all my paperwork ready.


  41. My daughter is on income support and has attention deficit disorder. She has just received a letter telling her that the DWP will be telephoning her in Feb (on her actual birthday) to conduct a compliance interview by phone….. How ridiculous. Apart from the stress it is causing my daughter, how will the DWP know it is my daughter they are interviewing?


  42. Can someone help im on esa and am a signatory in a community club society bank account where i,m the only signatory where the money goes in to provide benefits for the club members. I havent used any of the money in it for my personal use but I think someone reported that i was running the club and they want to interview me about it. The club account was closed in december , but i,m terrified that they may look at it as my saving account which it clearly is not the case. any help will be welcome on this.


  43. Well, my wife got fed up with me worrying so called and bought the interview earlier. Just out and have to say it was not as bad as I thought it would be. One really nice guy explained that an anonymous person had reported me on the internet as working. Quickly cleared up and all sorted. No recording and no hassle. The report went in the day after my sons children had a problem with a neighbour. Just spite I guess. Might be worth noting that I am permanently in a wheelchair, and because of the seizures the controls are on the back and my wife drives it. (electric wheelchair) so it really must have been spite.

    Many thanks to the owner of this site, it was really nice to have it here and know that I wasn’t the only one. I will check in often.


  44. DWP told me that if it’s ‘within 14months ‘ they can write any such calls off as malicious. However, I still got my MP involved who took it to Damien Green, they FINIALLY closed my case, after a brief ‘ telephone interview ‘ . I too suspect which neighbour keeps doing this…police are seeing if they can access housing association files, to see if they can proceed with harrasment …! Loads of documented history with these awful people. ( see my blogs ..Hate crimes’ . Contact MP always worth it 🤞


    1. I was called in for interview then not long after a medical which has been a month now,then this morning I got a letter saying I have to go in again.
      It says to review my benefits and circumstances WHY it’s making me ill I could end my life right now.
      It’s took me years to save to get my home right now I could loose it all ,I’rd rather be dead .

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Please keep strong. You must take someone with you to witness the meeting. Take lots of notes, their name etc also. They are doing this to everyone and it’s done to intimidate you. Don’t let them beat you xxx


      2. I know,so much hounding , it’s harassment, it makes people more unwell. Austerity is a lie 😟


  45. I’ve also received a letter of compliance. I am receiving ESa and am to go in for an interview on 3rd January, this completely ruined my Christmas and New Year as this is the THIRD time in twelve months i’ve ben accused of earning money after working for a club. All nonsense but it’s really shook me up as i suffer with anxiety and panic attacks and had a major one after the letter and had to have an ECG scan for a suspected heart tremour. I rang them and told them this and the reply was ” i can’t discus anything over the phone, we’ll talk when you get here ” Trouble is i am %80 sure i know who it is that’s victimizing me ..DISGUSTING


  46. I recieved my letter on Christmas Eve.I have to go for an interview on 13th Jan 2017. Its half 2 in the morning and I am up worrying about it as I have been every night since it came. I have done nothing wrong that I can think of. I have been disabled and claiming incapacity benefit then ESA (Support group) since 1994. I also get pip after being changed from DLA a few weeks ago. For this I had my first EVER interview with a person from the DWP. Now I have this letter. I wish they would leave me alone, I have seizures and no sleep makes them so much worse.


      1. I had one in December and someone had rung and made a malicious call all of which I was able to prove wrong which they at the end said in there eyes seems to have been done maliciously so my advice is take as much paperwork as you can and as long as you haven’t done anything you will be fine


  47. Hi,
    I just phoned them to give them my correct telephone number after receiving this telephone interview intimidating letter from them as they have got my telephone number wrong and I tried to ask the person what the interview is all about. All he told me is that at the moment all he can tell me is that its a legal claim, to make sure you are claiming legally, and he will go more into it on the day of my telephone interview..i,m on ESA & its mind worrying i feel as if i,m being treated as a criminal.


      1. Thank you for the reassurance my telephone interview is in two weeks time and it says on the letter to have my bank statements ready to discuss with them, and any overpayment will need to be paid back and they may push for financial penalties too. I just wanted to know what information am i obliged to provide to them, and also whether they have any legal right to look into your financial information behind your back without your permission. Also where can i go for more help on this?


      2. Hi guys I’ve got a compliance meeting on Tuesday I’m worried because i have bad depression and my x partner comes round after work to see me and i think there going to try and get me done for fraud he does stay sometimes but don’t live with me he’s helped me slot I’m very scared coz i don’t know what to expect


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